Institute with capabilities from AstraZeneca

One of the first to move into Biovation Park was the public research institute ”SP Process Development”, SPPD, which works in the field of chemistry and pharmaceutical Process Research. For many of the employees the premises in Södertälje are not new. They have been working here before, at AstraZeneca, Magnus Larsson, CEO at SPPD, explains.

Magnus Larsson CEO of SPPD Research Institute

– Many of us at SPPD have previously worked in the same specialist area at AstraZeneca. What we are doing today is based upon the same research as we did before. But, it is not only the competences among our ex-AZ staff we have, it is also all system components needed to progress all the way to commercialisation. By this we can consider both the environmental as well as the financial dimensions.
Magnus also stresses that since the staff enjoy the work environment here so well it is an extra plus that we were able to maintain our operational work in the same place as before.

Excellent Problem Solvers
SPPD was officially formed on February 1, 2013 and works both within governmentally funded research, with universities & colleges and finally also with EU funded research.

– In addition we have contractual research to the pharmaceutical, fine chemicals & forest industry, as well as to the cosmetic sector.

Magnus Larsson points out that they act in a cross functional way and therefore are very skilled at many different types of problem solving.

Entrance of New Companies

With our large contact network SPPD can be an excellent cooperation partner for new companies at the Park.

– I envision that the different tenants in the park support each other.

Magnus Larson points out that already today the Institute can offer many opportunities for collaborations:

– As an example, if someone is interested to be a part of an EU-project and identifies a common platform with us there are good opportunities to be part of a larger contexture. Up till now we have instituted cooperations with Toxicology Knowledge Team (TKT) and Chemilia, both companies present at Biovation Park. Currently there are also ongoing discussions with other companies here, Magnus Larsson says.